Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Traveling Tips

This summer I traveled to seven countries (I've been to more countries than states. Crazy huh?) and I kept a personal log of traveling tips. Please note: these will probably not apply to anyone else. Most of these are entirely subjective to my experience, but I thought it'd be a funny way to share some of the highlights. Oh and shout out to Alan, Erin, and John for letting me stay with you and travel with you!!
By the way, I'm home so let me know if you wanna hang!

• Don't fall asleep on the train. The man picking up trash will wake you, scare you, and you'll jump and then scare him.

• Don't lose your luggage and then miss your flight in a Paris airport. The French will not care, even if you are hardcore-Kim-Kardashian-ugly-crying.

• Do FaceTime your mom/family often.

• When in France, remember: there is no such thing as too many crepes.

• Do try to see as much as possible.

• Do talk to as many locals as possible. They're so friendly.

• Do take too many pictures.

• If a homeless man drops something, do not pick it up and return it to him. He will mistake this as a gesture of affection and will fall asleep on your backpack.

• Don't say things like "totally" or "super". That's when the Brits teased my accent.

• Do scope out the location of your Airbnb when booking it. If not, you might find yourself in the sketchy part of London witnessing drug deals and prostitutes.

• Do not try to have a clean conversation with a Irish bartender. You HAVE to cuss them out and they will do the same to you. But don't take offense to it.

• Do not call a Scotland man "sir". They will yell, "Did you just call me bloody sir?! That makes me feel bloody old!!"

• Don't go to Europe thinking it's full of blonde hair, blue eyed people. It's so much more diverse than I expected.


• Do not go to Ireland and think you don't need an umbrella.

• Do go to the places the locals tell you to go to.

• Do rent a bike in Denmark. I actually did not do this, but wish I had. Everyone there rides bikes.

• Do get a slurpee even though you're freezing in 30 degree Denmark weather.

• Do eavesdrop on British children's conversations (in the least creepy, pedophile way). The accent mixed with how polite they are is the most adorable thing ever.

• Do not run through an alley when going from one destination to another. At midnight. In Dublin. You might witness two homeless men.. Engaging in a certain act.

• Always seize the opportunity to photobomb an Asian tourist's picture. The more you do it, the harder your brother will laugh.

• Check the temperature before you go somewhere new. You might find yourself standing in a puddle, in pouring 57 degree rain and wind losing feeling in your toes.

• When getting an ice cream cone under the Eiffel Tower on a hot day, eat it immediately. It may fall off a few seconds later.

• When flying, chat up and charm the 60 year old man sitting next to you. He will call you a "swell gal" and announce loudly, "Party over here!"

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