Tuesday, April 19, 2016

April 12, 2016

Well in case you are off of social media and unaware of your surroundings, I am engaged! Stranton proposed! Today makes it a week, actually.

Ever since we got engaged, everyone has been asking how he did it. I love telling the story and will gladly tell you in person. But I figured this could be for the people that live in another state, don't care enough to ask but care enough to read, or zone out when I tell stories.

Here is some background information that is super important to the story. They seem random, but pay attention.

1) My mom is from Idaho and loves loves loves quanza huts. This is what they look like if you don't know:

2) Barnone is opening over by Joe's Farm Grill later this year. It will be a bunch of little shops and a restaurant in a giant quanza hut.

3) Stranton and I have a good friend James that will be opening his restaurant in Barnone.

So James approached me a couple weeks ago:

James: Hey would you and your mom like to come see Barnone next Tuesday? I know she likes quanza huts and it's all emptied out. I thought she might wanna see it before construction starts.

Me: James she would freaking love that. Thanks!

Tuesday rolls around. I have the day off and waste it away watching Netflix and eating. When I hit my low and thought the day couldn't be any more unproductive, I texted Stranton to see if he wanted to do something that night before I go to Barnone. He told me he was busy helping someone move. Despite it being a noble excuse, I got mad at him that I wasn't going to be able to see him. Looking back, it's pretty childish how short I was, but it felt justifiable at the time.

I got to the barn and met up with James but I couldn't find my mom. I tried to text and call her but she was busy. The frustration got too real.

So then James says, "Hey let's wait for your mom in the barn. I got a camera I wanna try out and think the barn will look cool at night."

Then he opened the door to the barn and I saw candles and rose petals on the ground. I just stared and didn't move. That's when my good friend James kindly said, "Go in ya dingus, he's waiting for you."

Then I hear Halo playing and see Stranton. Yes, he won me over with Beyonce. He said some nice things I don't really remember and proposed. That's when I stopped being mad at him.

Rose Gold with a Morganite stone

I'm extremely happy and excited to marry him. Thank you everyone that has said congratulations. And no, no date is picked yet. October is what we are shooting for though.


  1. Love, love, love this! Thanks for sharing...so excited to add another niece to the family!!

  2. So where was your Mom? Did she get to see all this? Thanks for sharing, Rachel. Congratulations!
